A Humble Hero is Honored in a Paddle-Out at Lido Beach


Photo by Skylark

A humble hero was honored this Sunday on Lido Beach West in a Paddle-Out. As a final farewell to Fireman, Lifeguard, and Surfer, Casey Skudin, a large crowd of friends and strangers gathered on the sand to watch surfers paddle-out into the Atlantic Ocean and form a ceremonial circle as they clasped hands and splashed water to shouts of, “Casey! Casey!" 

I did not know Casey Skudin, but I was compelled to go and pay my respects to this fallen hero who passed away on June 17th in a freak accident at the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. He and his wife, Angela, and their two sons, CJ and Ben, were driving on the grounds of this historic site while on vacation to celebrate what would have been Casey’s 46th birthday on Father's Day when a large tree limb fell on their car in a windstorm. Casey died on impact. His younger son, CJ, was seriously injured, but he is expected to make a full recovery. Angela Skudin and their older son, Ben, were miraculously uninjured.

Casey Skudin was a Fireman in Rockaway and lived in Long Beach. My parents were from Rockaway, and my mother's brothers, Anthony DiResta and Joe DiResta were both Firemen there. My niece, Charlotte, lives in Long Beach. I immediately felt a connection to the Skudin Family. As I began to read Angela Skudin's Instagram posts, I could see that she was a loving wife and mother and had survived a serious illness that her husband helped her navigate through. The news of his loss struck me very hard, as I felt it could have been a relative of mine. This was a tragedy on a tremendous scale. How could such a good man who did such dangerous work be taken from this earth in such a horrific way? Life can be so unfair to the very best of us.

Angela and Casey Skudin seemed like the perfect couple; profoundly in love, raising two beautiful sons by the beach, while serving their community. They are part of two beach towns that I'm very familiar with and love visiting. I felt like they were people "I knew". Sometimes we feel a kindred connection to people we have no connection to until a news story makes us aware of them. This is one of those instances. 

I was witness today to the best of humanity as people came together to honor a man who touched their life. Whether they were a close friend, a relative, a comrade, or a stranger such as me, there was a reason for each of us to be there; to pay a final farewell to a man who left a legacy of goodness and public service. Thank you, Casey Skudin, for giving so much as you were taken too soon💫

Peace and Love,


At 60 and beyond, our compassion and kindness towards people we don't know expands because we realize how precious and fragile life is🌟Please take a moment to scroll through the pictures posted below.

I am a columnist with Skylark Live Town News (SLTN) and write short, poetic articles geared to the 60 and beyond population. Topics include human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, music, and events in and around Bay Shore. I also write about restaurants and stores I've been to in the area. You can also watch my first Monday-of-the-month vlog, “60 and Beyond with Skylark" on my YouTube Channel, Skylark Live, that features my articles from SLTN. Please subscribe to my free STLN newsletter that gets delivered directly to your email each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To support SLTN, you can make a recurring monthly donation ($5 Friend or $15 Advocate) or a one-time donation of any amount. It's up to you, and it's easy to do on my feed. You can also advertise your business or event here as well. Please follow me on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn under my brand, Skylark Live. Thank you for your support.

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