
We spend more time with family over 60, and sometimes relatives can become a best friend. I have performed with my nephew, Brian, pictured here with me at a Pat Metheny concert recently. He has accompanied me on guitar many times at a variety of gigs. He is not just my nephew, but he's my friend as well. We have a mutual affection that began when he was a little boy, and we share a deep passion for jazz, especially the American standards and Bossa Nova.
Sometimes good friendships that we developed when we were young can change or end as we age. People who we thought were going to be our friends forever can suddenly slip away for no apparent reason. Things change and friendships are no exception. This can be a sad passage in our lives, and we may ask ourselves if it was something we said or did. There doesn't have to be any specific reason, but sometimes there is. A friend recently texted me saying, "I am very grateful for the friendship we had; thank you. Everything changes. We are on different paths." I must admit, I was hurt and very disappointed. This is someone I've known for more than 30 years, and I thought our friendship was cemented in mutual respect. Apparently, she did not respect how I felt. During the election in 2016, I was very vocal about my feelings on a particular candidate. I've become more conservative as I've aged and certain issues that were not of great concern to me in my younger years have become very important to me now. I will always be an open-minded person who welcomes fresh dialogue and conversation about new ideas, but I learned a hard lesson during that election and that is to never show my hand.
I believe that the people who truly love us for who we are will never fade away. Their friendship will remain routed in love and admiration. The ones that do wander out of our lives were perhaps never truly invested in our well-being. They had their own agenda. It's not always easy to let the past go, but we must. Like a river that flows, we must do the same and keep moving onward. Your best friendships over 60 could just be your family. Sometimes blood is thicker than water.
Peace and Love,
I am a columnist with Skylark Live Town News (SLTN) and write short, poetic articles geared to the 60 and beyond population. Topics include human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, music, and events in and around Bay Shore. I also write about restaurants and stores I've been to in the area. You can also watch my first-Monday-of-the-month vlog, “60 and Beyond with Skylark" on my YouTube Channel, Skylark Live, that features my articles from SLTN. Please subscribe to my free STLN newsletter that gets delivered directly to your email each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To support SLTN, you can make a recurring monthly donation ($5 Friend or $15 Advocate) or a one-time donation of any amount. It's up to you, and it's easy to do on my feed. You can also advertise your business or event here as well. Please follow me on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn under my brand, Skylark Live. Thank you for your support.