A Winter Wonderland in North Country


Photo by Skylark

Are you thinking about a last-minute winter getaway before Spring arrives next weekend? Well, I can tell you where winter lives. We decided to head up to north country, as they call it in upstate, New York, and it truly is a winter wonderland. Cold takes on new meaning up here. On Saturday, a winter storm blew in. The forecast called for a foot of snow, but it missed by nine inches. That was a relief. We did not want to get stuck up here having just planned on a few days. The wind howled and the tall pines swayed as the snow fell while we sat inside a glassed-in sunroom facing Vermont across Lake Champlain. What a sight to see.

One of the most beautiful things about a winter trip is the landscape. Instead of lots of colorful surroundings you see in other seasons, winter casts a silvery gray hugh across the clouds as the sun glistens on the fresh-fallen snow. There is plenty of open space up here and it makes you think the world is big enough for everyone. At night, off in the distance, you can see the lights of the Canadian border crossing. It's a mysterious feeling to know you are that close to another country as you ponder what lies beyond. 

A winter getaway is a nice way to break up the cabin fever that can set in this time of year. Being away during daylight savings time is the ideal segue into a new season. As the end of one gives birth to another, watch out for the crocuses that peak through the snow. They are a sign that Spring is just about to bloom. Buon Primavera. Happy Spring!

Love and Peace,


I am a columnist with Skylark Live Town News (SLTN) and write short, poetic articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, and daily life in and around Bay Shore. Please subscribe to my free newsletter that will be delivered directly to your email each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To support the SLTN community, you can make a recurring monthly donation as a Friend ($5) or Advocate ($15). You can also advertise your business or event here. It's easy and convenient to do. I am also an advocate for people 60 and beyond. These years can be transformative, but they require focus, determination, and planning. I have a first Monday-of-the-month motivational vlog that is designed to inspire people to thrive as they age through knowledge and self-awareness. Please follow me on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin under my brand, Skylark Live. Thank you for your support.

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