Hooded Mergansers Join the Native Ducks that Inhabit Brightwaters Lakes


Photo by Skylark, Brightwaters Lakes

A Hooded Merganser was taking a swim on Brightwaters Lake Thursday morning. Here's the little guy in the foreground. His partner swam out of frame, but she was nearby. They generally travel in pairs. This bird has a striking appearance; both sexes have crests that they can raise or lower, and the breeding plumage of the male is handsomely patterned and colored. The female has hues of brown. They are both adorable in their petite stature.

Hooded Mergansers are most common in the Great Lakes region. They move south and southwest in winter, but some migrate north to spend winters in the Great Lakes and southern Canada. Most of the Hooded Mergansers that breed in the upper Midwest migrate along the Mississippi River and sometimes in our own backyard. I was lucky on this day. I deliberately went to the lakes this morning in hopes of getting a glimpse of these unique ducks, and my timing was impeccable. As I spotted them, I shouted "there you are!" I don't think they heard me.

Hooded Mergansers are usually silent, but they call during courtship and around nest sites. A courting male makes a deep, rolling sound like the call of a pickerel-frog, earning it the nickname of "frog-duck." Females give a hoarse croo-croo or gack sound during courtship. I did not hear either sound but was thrilled just to see them. It was a first for me. Take a look around some of the local lakes and maybe you'll get lucky like I did. The Hooded Mergansers will be gone soon, and you'll have to wait another year before they return. It could be a long year, and that's just coo-coo.

Peace and Love,


I am a columnist and write short, poetic articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, and daily life in and around Bay Shore for Skylark Live Town News. Be sure to subscribe to my free SLTN newsletter that will be delivered directly to your email. If you wish, you can make a one-time donation in the amount you desire or a recurring monthly donation as a Friend ($5) or Advocate ($15) to help support Skylark Live Town News. You can also advertise your business or event on SLTN as well. It's easy and convenient to do. Take a look around my feed.

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