A Place Setting for Our Loved One Who is No Longer with Us


We've arrived at the month of December and into the Holiday Season. The air is cold, and sunset is a minute earlier each day until the Winter Solstice on December 21st. The night sky has become a gorgeous backdrop for the vast array of stars and planets that are visible this time of year. Orion greets us each morning to remind us of the season, and we find ourselves reminiscing about a loved one who is no longer with us. They can still have a place at the table. We have all lost someone we love deeply, and the holiday season can be daunting without them, but they don't have to be left out. 

Setting a table for a holiday dinner can be ritualistic. It's also an opportunity to set an extra place setting. Maybe you've thought about doing this in the past but felt uncomfortable. Perhaps you didn't want anyone to question why there is an empty chair. This Thanksgiving, I used name tags and wrote a special note to each member of my family. And, I had an empty chair. It's a new tradition, but one I will continue. Maybe you want to start your own tradition as a way of letting your loved one know how much you still love and miss them. A place setting for our loved one who is no longer with us can create the feeling that they are. Invite them to the table. 

Happy Holidays!

Peace and Love,


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