Don't Forget to Dance



I went to a wedding this past weekend and had such a great time on the dance floor. It felt so good to shake my groove thing. It had been a while since I dressed up and stepped out. I bought a new gauze halter dress from a boutique in town. Very Bohemian glam. I had to wear pasties. I wore my satin stone-studded stilettos and Indian jewelry that I wore at another wedding a few years ago. My outfit was a hit. 

If you're like me, you went dancing almost every weekend when you were younger. There were no shortages of night clubs that stayed open until 4:00am or later. Breakfast at the diner was a staple. Sometimes we'd go home, shower and go straight to work. Try doing that now and it could kill you. Dancing makes you feel good, and it's a great way to relieve stress.  It's an even better reason to buy a new dress. 

The history of dance is difficult to access because dance does not often leave behind clearly identifiable physical artifacts that last over millennia, such as stone tools, hunting implements or cave paintings. It is not possible to identify with exact precision when dance becomes part of human culture. Dance is filled with aesthetic values, making it distinct from one society to another and is shrouded in symbolism that expounds on the cultural heritage of a community accordingly being unique from one society to another. Dance can help tell a story, convey feelings and emotions, and connect with others. Dance is the ultimate silent expression.

Dancing is also a great way to connect with ourselves. When we dance, we go into a trance. We are in non-thought, much like when we meditate. Tribal dancing became ritualistic. Many civilizations celebrate with dance as we still do today. Dance is an ancient and universal form of human expression, rooted in rituals, emotions, and social bonds.

The natural impulse to dance may have existed in early primates before they evolved into humans. Dance has been an important part of ceremony, celebrations, and entertainment since before the birth of the earliest human civilizations. Archeology delivers traces of dance from prehistoric times such as the 10,000-year-old Bhimbetka rock shelters paintings in India and Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures from c. 3300 BC. Many contemporary dance forms can be traced back to historical, traditional, ceremonial, and ethnic dances of the ancient period. Dance is older than dirt.

Dance is also a means of socialization as well as a method of healing.  As people were taken from Africa to be sold as slaves, especially starting in the 1500s, they brought their dance styles with them. Entire cultures were imported into the New World, especially those areas where slaves were given more flexibility to continue their cultures and where there were more African slaves than Europeans or indigenous Americans, such as Brazil. African dance styles were merged with new cultural experiences to form new styles of dance. For example, slaves responded to the fears of their masters about high-energy styles of dance with changing stepping to shuffling. However, in North America, slaves did not have as much freedom to continue their culture and dance. In many cases, these dances have evolved into modern dance styles, such as African-American dance and Brazilian dance. For example, the Calenda evolved in Brazil from tribal dance. The Calenda then evolved into the Cakewalk, which was danced originally to mock plantation owners; it then evolved into the Charleston. Capoeira was a martial art practiced originally in Africa which the enslaved Africans masked as a form of dance in order to not arouse the suspicion of plantation owners. Clever.

Dance has a rich history throughout time. From court dancing to ballet, dance has evolved and continues to over time and throughout cultures. The origins of ballet dancing can be traced to the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century. Dance masters would teach the steps to nobility and the court would participate in performances as a form of social entertainment. This practice continued for several centuries. In the 17th century, courtly ballet reached its peak under the rule of King Louis XIV. By the 18th century, ballet had migrated from the French and Italian royal courts to the Paris Opera under the careful direction of composer/dancer Jean-Baptiste Lully. Lully sought to develop ballet into more serious art. Under his influence, ballet was turned into a recognized art that was performed by professional dancers rather than courtiers. 

From ballet came contemporary dance. Since the Ballets Russes (a traveling ballet company that began in Paris and performed between 1909 and 1929 throughout Europe and North and South America) began revolutionizing ballet in the early 20th century, there have been continued attempts to break the mold of classical ballet. Currently the artistic scope of ballet technique, and its accompanying music, jumper, and multi-media, is more all-encompassing than ever. The boundaries that classify a work of classical ballet are constantly being stretched, muddied and blurred. Blame it on the toe shoes.

The 20th century was indeed a period of breaking away from everything that ballet stood for. It was a time of unprecedented creative growth, for dancers and choreographers. It was also a time of the broadening of the definition of dance. Ballets Russes was a turning point to the future of ballet in the West and in the world. Collaborating with that era geniuses, such as Coco Chanel, Pablo Picasso and others. Ballets Russes brought together great music, design and dance together in a one complete performance. 

Dance is my first love. It started with Baryshnikov and then Ben Vereen in Pippin on Broadway. I was smitten. Never to get over it. There is so much I could write about dance, but I'll leave further exploration up to you. At the beginning of every Santana concert, big screens broadcast indigenous dance rituals from exotic cultures around the world. It gets everyone up on their feet, and an electric soundwave comes over the stadium as people start gyrating and screaming. Dance has the power to excite us and ignite feelings we otherwise might be too inhibited to express.

When you feel the need to move your body, don't forget to dance. It's a thrilling, natural impulse that can be transcending. It gets the endorphins going. Those are the happy hormones that make us feel so good as we dance with abandon.

Peace and Love,


At 60 and Beyond, dancing is one of the best ways to connect with each other.


The Heritage Club at Bethpage has joined the ranks of outdoor venues that feature live bands throughout the summer. Wednesday is the night to be here. There are just two left, but there's still plenty of summer left to enjoy this beautiful place even after the music is over. 


Dear God,

Please watch over all of us as we step out to dance the night away this summer. Amen.



How often do you dance alone in your home? What does it make you feel like?

Please put your answer in the Reply bubble below next to the Heart. I'd love to hear from you.




On the floors of Tokyo, or down in London town to go-go
With the record selection and the mirror's reflection
I'm a-dancing with myself
When there's no one else in sight
In the crowded lonely night
Well, I wait so long for my love vibration
And I'm dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
Well, there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove
When I'm dancing with myself
Oh oh oh-oh
If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself
So let's sink another drink cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
Well, there's nothing to lose
So there's nothing to prove
When I'm dancing with myself
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh, oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Well, if I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself
So let's sink another drink, cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh
Dancing with myself (oh oh)
Dancing with myself (oh oh)
Dancing with myself (oh oh)
Dancing with myself (oh oh)
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Well, if I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes
Seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself
So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had a chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
Oh oh, dancing with myself
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Oh oh oh-oh
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)
Dancing with myself (Oh oh)


My Brand - Skylark Live was born out of my turning 60 and noticing a profound shift in this age. I wanted to talk about it and share what I was experiencing with the hope of helping other women as well. My brand consists of a weekly newsletter and a monthly vlog designed to motivate and inspire women over 60 to thrive in older age through knowledge and self-awareness. I’m in the process of formulating in-person presentations called The Skylark Sessions. These can be conducted in someone’s home, local library, or senior center.

My Weekly Newsletter - My weekly newsletter, Skylark Live Town News, features articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, motivation, music, places I've been to, and ideas I want to explore. I represent Bay Shore and towns beyond. There is also a calendar of events. I throw in Italian words, too, because I love the language and all things Italian. Bella Italia! As a paying subscriber, you will receive my newsletter each Wednesday morning in your email. That gives you a head's up. You can also advertise your business or event on my newsletter. Just click this link to subscribe: For updates, subscribe to our free newsletter!

My Monthly Vlog - My first Monday-of-the month vlog, 60 and Beyond with Skylark, is a recap of what I've written about in my newsletters throughout the previous month. Then, I introduce a unique topic for the current month's vlog. My vlog is recorded and posted on my YouTube channel as well as on my Patreon account and my social media sites. Just click my YouTube channel link below to subscribe:


Support me on Patreon - This is where you can support my brand for just $5 a month. This enables me to carve out time to write my newsletters, create my vlogs and to expand my brand. Just click the link below:

Follow me on Social Media - You can follow me on Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn under my brand, Skylark Live.

Thank you for your love and support! Grazie per il vostro amore e sostegno!

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