We Can Create a New Life and Find Ourselves Again



Just like flowers bloom each year, so can we. Creating a new life and finding ourselves again can be an auspicious process, and it can happen several times throughout our lives.

I was speaking to a friend recently and realized that most of us live several lives within our lifetime. The beauty of life is that we can create whatever life we want. Think about it. We have our youth. In this time, we create memories that are everlasting. We may find ourselves at our older age still thinking about a certain event or a particular place or person that left an indelible mark on our minds. It's in our formative years that our personality develops, we make life-long friendships, and we begin to dream about what we want our lives to look and feel like. We can create our lives and find ourselves again. 

Some of us went on to college after high school graduation, while others married their high school sweetheart and started a family. Several of my friends got married out of high school. Some are still married and some divorced much later in life and are finding themselves again and creating new lives as a single person. I moved to New York City after college and fell in love with that town. It remains my greatest love. 

We can have the best map for our lives, but things rarely turn out quite the way we plan. We can have a happy childhood only to have our parent's divorce. We can get married to our prince charming and live happily ever after. Or we can find our own love story fade away leaving room for deeper self-love. Our lives can be unpredictable as uncertainty prevails, but throughout life's twists and turns, we can find ourselves again and create new chapters in our lives. As humans, that's some of the very best we can do.

Finding yourself is a process of self-discovery and self-awareness, and it's the key to living a fulfilling and authentic life. It involves learning about and embracing your true character, values, and desires so you can make decisions that align with them. It can also mean discovering your purpose in life and what you want to do with it. Finding yourself is about understanding who you truly are, embracing your unique story, and living authentically. There's only one you.

Your story is what makes you unique and powerful. Take the time to reflect on your life experiences, both positive and negative. What have you learned from them? How have they shaped you? Embracing your story means accepting every part of it, even the challenging moments. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what the universe has in store for you. How exciting!

Be true to yourself. Embrace your strengths and your weaknesses and show up to the world in a genuine way. Be glorious you! Living authentically allows you to attract people and experiences that align with your true essence. You'll have more fun, too!

Be aware of your mind. We all have thought patterns that hold us back. Take some time to identify what these patterns are that recur in your life. Explore how these patterns translate into beliefs and behaviors. Be honest with yourself. Understanding the impact of these patterns on your thinking and your life is crucial for creating change. If you keep doing the same thing, you'll have the same outcome. Once you identify these destructive patterns, you can replace them with new and healthier ones, and the outcome will be different.

By understanding your values, passions, and unique gifts, you can identify the path that brings you the most fulfillment and meaning. Your purpose gives you a sense of direction and guides your decisions, leading to a more purposeful and satisfying life. It's all within you.

When you know who you are, you develop a strong sense of self-confidence. I speak often about self-awareness. This is key to learning about who you are and living within that knowledge. You become more self-assured in your abilities, decisions, and choices. This knowledge creates confidence that radiates in your interactions with others and empowers you to take risks, pursue your dreams, and overcome challenges. We don't have to go to the depths of despair when we are faced with life's burdens. If we know who we are and what our strengths are, we can face challenges with more grace and ease.

One powerful way to find yourself is by shifting your focus from yourself to others. When we constantly worry about how we are perceived, our light can feel dimmed. Instead, focus on how you want to be remembered and the impact you want to have on others. By making it about others, you'll feel a sense of purpose and invincibility. Always think of others. 

Finding yourself is an ongoing process. Embrace change and growth as you navigate through life. Be open to new experiences, challenge yourself, and step out of your comfort zone. I speak about this often, too. Remember, it's in the moments of not knowing and feeling lost that our true potential emerges. You become more aware of what truly matters to you, and you can make decisions that support your personal growth and well-being. This leads to a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life and to more self-awareness.

Finding yourself is a deeply personal and unique journey. It may take time, but by embracing your story, replacing old patterns, and focusing on others, you'll start to uncover your true self. Seek support from loved ones, mentors, or even professional guidance if needed. Embrace the adventure of self-discovery and live your truth.

Remember, finding yourself is a continuous journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. It's about exploring, learning, and evolving as you navigate through life's ups and downs and twists and turns. It can feel like a roller coaster ride. Embrace the process and be patient with yourself. Enjoy the adventure of uncovering your true self and know that you are not alone. We're all trying to find ourselves again. 

Live your dreams!

Peace and Love, 


At 60 and Beyond, we may be faced with the task of finding ourselves again, but it's worth the effort. Enjoy the ride!


<!-- EMBEDDED YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ny28zSZPuw -->


Find a yoga studio near you and begin to practice this ancient tradition. It will open your mind, body, and soul and assist you in finding yourself again.

I began practicing yoga in the late 90's when I was living in Brooklyn. I was at the gym working  out with weights when a young woman walked in with dreadlocks and tie-dye clothing. I was immediately intrigued as I had often worn this type of clothing myself when I was younger. I never had dreadlocks though. I walked up to her and asked what she was doing in the gym. She looked like an alien against the backdrop of sweaty, muscle-toned bodies. She said, "I'm teaching a yoga class. Why don't you join me?" I decided to follow her into her yoga room. This lead to years of yoga practice and learning more about myself through the wisdom and knowledge she imparted upon me. It lingers to this day. My new-found yogi eventually moved to California years later, but we are still in touch. I have found other teachers and continue to discover things about myself each and every day through this ancient practice. Om!


Dear God, 

Guide us as we traverse the journey of self and find ourselves again. 




What do you do when you feel lost and are looking to find yourself again and create a new life?

Please put your answer in the Reply bubble at the bottom of my newsletter next to the Heart. I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.


<!-- EMBEDDED YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d27gTrPPAyk -->


I don't drink coffee, I take tea, my dear
I like my toast done on one side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
I'm an Englishman in New York

See me walking down Fifth Avenue
A walking cane here at my side
I take it everywhere I walk
I'm an Englishman in New York

Oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
Oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York

If "manners maketh man" as someone said
He's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

Oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
Oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York

Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society
At night a candle's brighter than the sun

Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run

If "manners maketh man" as someone said
He's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say
Be yourself no matter what they say
Be yourself no matter what they say

Be yourself no matter what they say (oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien)
Be yourself no matter what they say (I'm an Englishman in New York)
Be yourself no matter what they say (oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien)
Be yourself no matter what they say (I'm an Englishman in New York)
Be yourself no matter what they say (oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien)
Be yourself no matter what they say (I'm an Englishman in New York)
Be yourself no matter what they say (oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien)
Be yourself no matter what they say (I'm an Englishman in New York)
Be yourself no matter what they say


My Brand - Skylark Live was born out of my turning 60 and noticing a profound shift in this age. I wanted to talk about it and share what I was experiencing with the hope of helping other women as well. My brand consists of a weekly newsletter and a monthly vlog designed to motivate and inspire women over 60 to thrive in older age through knowledge and self-awareness. I’m in the process of formulating in-person presentations called The Skylark Sessions. These can be conducted in someone’s home, local library, or senior center.

My Weekly Newsletter - My weekly newsletter, Skylark Live Town News, features articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, motivation, music, places I've been to, and ideas I want to explore. I represent Bay Shore and towns beyond. There is also a calendar of events. I throw in Italian words, too, because I love the language and all things Italian. Bella Italia! As a paying subscriber, you will receive my newsletter each Wednesday morning in your email. That gives you a head's up. You can also advertise your business or event on my newsletter. Just click this link to subscribe: For updates, subscribe to our free newsletter!

My Monthly Vlog - My first Monday-of-the month vlog, 60 and Beyond with Skylark, is a recap of what I've written about in my newsletters throughout the previous month. Then, I introduce a unique topic for the current month's vlog. My vlog is recorded and posted on my YouTube channel as well as on my Patreon account and my social media sites. Just click my YouTube channel link below to subscribe: www.youtube.com/@christineskylark


Support me on Patreon - This is where you can support my brand for just $5 a month. This enables me to carve out time to write my newsletters, create my vlogs and to expand my brand. Just click the link below: www.patreon.com/SkylarkLive

Follow me on Social Media - You can follow me on Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn under my brand, Skylark Live.

Thank you for your love and support! Grazie per il vostro amore e sostegno!


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