Celebrating the Summer Solstice in Solitude



This week, we celebrate the Summer Solstice on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Summer officially begins at 4:50pm on this sacred day as we begin another wonderful summer season. If you choose to spend it in solitude, it could be one of the best days for that as the sun will be bright in the sky until well into the evening.

The summer solstice is the time when the sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky, according to the Farmer's Almanac. It is also known as the day with the longest period of sunlight, or the longest day of the year - for those in the Northern Hemisphere. I think the Summer Solstice is worth celebrating each year whether you do it with others or by yourself. It is an exciting time. I especially love the days leading up to the solstice. You can feel its rising.

So, why write about solitude and the Summer Solstice at the same time. Because it could just be one of the best days to spend with yourself. The literal definition of solitude is the quality or state of being alone or far-off from society. Seclusion. I think solitude is necessary in order for us to regroup and go on and begin anew. Our world is so busy and noisy, so we need to take time to be by ourselves away from everyone and everything. The Summer Solstice marks a new beginning, so why not celebrate a new beginning for yourself.

I've started to take short walks without my cell phone. It feels so good to not have to check it every few seconds or wait for that call that can come at any moment. How did we ever survive without our cell phones? Actually, we did really well. Taking time outdoors without our devices can give us not just solitude, but quiet, calm time. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses.

When I think about taking time to be alone, I think about how good it feels to be in my own company. There is a tremendous sense of freedom and self-actualization that takes place when we are in solitude. We can learn about ourselves or solve a problem that has been haunting us. Solitude is a place where we can retreat from the world around us and find our center. 

We want to be careful that we don't spend too much time alone though. Long-term solitude is often seen as undesirable, causing loneliness or reclusion resulting from inability to establish relationships. This is the extreme of course. Too much solitude can lead to the blues, although some people do not react to it negatively. Buddhist monks regard long-term solitude as a means of enlightenment. 

Marooned people have been left in solitude for years without any report of psychological symptoms afterwards. Take Alexander Selkirk for example. The Scottish sailor who spent four years as a castaway, inspired Daniel Defoe's novels, Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels. Selkirk was a sailor serving under Captain Thomas Stradling. Selkirk was an unruly youth and joined buccaneering voyages to the South Pacific during the War of the Spanish Succession. One such expedition was on Cinque Ports, captained by Thomas Stradling, under the overall command of William Dampier. Stradling's ship stopped to resupply at the uninhabited Juan Fernandez Island, west of South America, and Selkirk judged correctly that the craft was unseaworthy and asked to be left there. Selkirk's suspicions were soon justified, as Cinque Ports foundered near Malpelo Island 400 km (250 mi) from the coast of what is now Colombia. By the time he was eventually rescued by the privateer Woodes Rogers, who was accompanied by Dampier, Selkirk had become adept at hunting and making use of the resources that he found on the island. His story of survival was widely publicized after his return, becoming one of the reputed sources of inspiration for the English writer Daniel Defoe's fictional character Robinson Crusoe. (courtesy of Wikipedia)

Solitude can have many benefits, including:

  • Self-reflection: Solitude can help you learn about yourself, what you value, and what you fear. It can also help you identify areas for improvement in your life.
  • Creativity: Solitude can help boost your creativity and concentration.
  • Stress reduction: Solitude can help you relax and de-stress, and some studies have linked it to reduced stress.
  • Mental health: Solitude can improve your mental health, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling with an issue.
  • Spiritual connection: Solitude can help you connect with your spirituality.
  • Better relationships: Solitude can help you understand what you want and need from others, which can make your relationships more meaningful.

Maybe this week, you'll take some much-needed time to spend with yourself. I think the Summer Solstice could be the perfect day. It's the longest day of the year with plenty of sunlight to brighten your mood. You are never completely alone. You always have yourself.

Abbraccia il solstizio d'estate. Embrace the Summer Solstice. Buon Estate. Happy Summer.

Peace and Love,


At 60 and Beyond, solitude can feel like a good friend we don't get to visit with too often.


Dear God,

When we spend time in solitude, may we find grace to better understand our relationship with you and the world around us. Amen.


I took a ride to Robert Moses State Park Tuesday after work to watch the sunset. There's still a bit of a chill in the air, but the sunlight was glowing. You can feel the coming of summer, and there were plenty of people along the shoreline. This beautiful stretch of beach goes far west to Democrat Point where you can four-wheel and runs east to Fire Island. You can access its four main parking lots by car at a cost of $10. It's free after 4:00pm during the week and after 6:00pm on weekends. It's always free for people over 65 during the week. There are perks to reaching this age. That's why I write about it.

For more information, visit Robert Moses State Park - Long Island (ny.gov)


Where do you like to spend time in solitude?

Please put your answer in the Reply bubble at the bottom of this newsletter next to the Heart. I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.


Let the blissful energy of the Summer Solstice help you to balance, release, and recharge.


<!-- EMBEDDED YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTwEpRrU47A -->


In my solitude you haunt me
With reveries of days gone by
In my solitude you taunt me
With memories that never die

I sit in my chair
Filled with despair
There's no one could be so sad
With gloom everywhere
I sit and I stare
I know that I'll soon go mad

In my solitude
I'm praying
Dear Lord above
Send back my love
I sit in my chair
Filled with despair
There's no one could be so sad
With gloom everywhere

I sit and I stare
I know that I'll soon go mad
In my solitude
I'm praying
Dear Lord above
Send me back my love


My brand, Skylark Live, was born out of my turning 60 and noticing a profound shift in this age. I wanted to talk about it and share what I was experiencing with the hope of helping other women as well. My brand consists of a weekly newsletter and a monthly vlog designed to motivate and inspire women over 60 to thrive in older age through knowledge and self-awareness. I’m in the process of formulating in-person presentations called The Skylark Sessions. These can be conducted in someone’s home, local library, or senior center.

Weekly Newsletter - My weekly newsletter, Skylark Live Town News, features articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, motivation, music, places I've been to, and ideas I want to explore. I represent Bay Shore and towns beyond. There is also a calendar of events. I throw in Italian words, too, because I love the language and all things Italian. Bella Italia! As a paying subscriber, you will receive my newsletter each Wednesday morning in your email. That gives you a head's up. You can also advertise your business or event on my newsletter. Just click this link to subscribe: For updates, subscribe to our free newsletter!

Monthly Vlog - My first Monday-of-the month vlog, 60 and Beyond with Skylark, is a recap of what I've written about in my newsletters throughout the previous month. Then, I introduce a unique topic for the current month's vlog. My vlog is recorded and posted on my YouTube channel as well as on my Patreon account and my social media sites. Just click my YouTube channel link below to subscribe: www.youtube.com/@christineskylark


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Social Media - You can follow me on Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn under my brand, Skylark Live.

Thank you for your love and support. Andiamo! Let's Go!

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