Who's Your Superhero?



Who's your superhero? Is there someone you think about who inspires you? It might be a person who's still alive or someone who has passed on. It could be a childhood friend, a family member, a former boss, or someone in show biz. Heros are everywhere in our lives.

One of my superheroes is my former boss from my first professional job just out of college. He redesigned the NASA logo. This brought him great success, but he always remained humble. I'm still in touch with him, and we have seen each other over the years. He has had a major impact on my life and set the bar for the person I would later become. 

Another one of my superheroes is John Lennon. I love what he stood for, what he believed in and for the incredible music he left us.  To me, he represented all that was good. He imagined a world living in peace. 

So, what exactly is a superhero? We all know Marvel has a bunch of them, but who are they in our real lives? Our real-life superheroes may not have superpowers or wear capes, but they are also great role models in our every-day lives. People we revere can influence the way we see the world and how we fit into it. They can set a standard for us to aspire to and become a better person.

As we age, we continue to grow and change. At our core, we may still be the same person we were when we were young though. But over time, our experiences and choices shape who we become beyond our core selves. We have the superpower within us to become whoever we want to be. Change takes time, and sometimes it may feel that a lifetime is not enough. Since we only have one lifetime as far as we know, we must make the best of it. Superheroes can give us the jolt we may need.

Each decade marks our lives. At 60 and beyond, we may find ourselves looking back and examining the years that have passed and thinking about the people who had the most positive impact on us. We can't do it alone. We need inspiration and motivation from other people. 

Superheroes are strong, superheroes are determined, but most of all superheroes are kind. Whether we have personal struggles or troubling news weighing on our mind, it can be uplifting to remember who the real heroes are in our own lives. These are the people who enjoy the good times with us and help us through the bad. They can live nearby or far away, but their influence always feels close by. 

There's most likely just a few people who have helped shape your life, but one of them is your superhero. Take time to honor them. If they're still alive, tell them just how they've made an impression on your life. If you're lucky enough, you are still in touch with them and maintain a good relationship. Our heroes are a beacon of hope that guide us through our days when we're happy and when we're blue. And don't forget that a hero lies in you.

Peace and Love,


At 60 and Beyond, we can still remember that one person who made the biggest impact on our lives.


A Chorus Line opens this Friday, February 1st, at The Argyle Theatre in Babylon. It runs through March 24th. Don't miss this one singular sensation!

Here's the back story. A Chorus Line is a celebration of those unsung heroes of the American Musical Theatre: the chorus dancers– those valiant, over dedicated, underpaid, highly trained performers who back up the star or stars and often make them look even more talented than they are. It is also a celebration of the American Musical itself. A Chorus Line is also about competition, and competition might easily be the common denominator that grabs the audience and holds it by the collective heartstring until the final, ultimate choices are made. For everyone, at one time or another, puts his life on the line. We all compete, no matter what business we’re in, for promotion, for attention, for approval and for love. Specifically, A Chorus Line takes the audience through the final grueling audition run by the director, Zach,
for a new Broadway musical. The show must go on!

For more information, visit www.argyletheatre.com


Dear God,

Please help me to honor the people in my life that have made a deep impression on me. May I keep them in my thoughts and prayers and let them know how much they mean to me. Amen.



Who's your superhero? 

Please write your answer in the Reply bubble next to the heart below. I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.


<!-- EMBEDDED YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IA3ZvCkRkQ -->


There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you

About Skylark and How to Follow Me

My brand, Skylark Live, consists of a weekly newsletter; Skylark Live Town News, and a monthly vlog; 60 and Beyond with Skylark. I’m still mulling around the idea of monthly in-person chats called The Skylark Sessions. This is a work in progress. They are all designed to inspire and motivate women to thrive in older age through knowledge and self-awareness at 60 and beyond. Andiamo! Let's go!

Skylark Live Town News - My weekly newsletter features articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, motivation, music, places I've been to, and ideas I want to explore. I represent Bay Shore and towns beyond. There is also a calendar of events. And, I throw in Italian words because I love the language and all things Italian. Bella Italia! As a paying subscriber, you will receive my newsletter each Wednesday morning in your email. That gives you a head's up. You can also advertise your business or event on my newsletter. Just click this link to subscribe For updates, subscribe to our free newsletter!

60 and Beyond with Skylark Vlog - This is my first Monday-of-the month vlog that is inspirational and motivational and is a reflection of what I've written about in my newsletters throughout the month. My vlog is recorded and posted on my YouTube Channel, as well as on my Patreon account and my social media sites. Just click my Tube Channel link to subscribe:

<!-- EMBEDDED YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChqpva_uz2wlksmjhGnPqvg -->

Support me on Patreon - This is where you can support my brand for $5 a month. This enables me to carve out time to write my newslettters, create my vlogs, and coordinate my Skylark Sessions. Just click the link: Skylark Live | 60 and Beyond with Skylark | Patreon

Follow me on Social Media - You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn under my brand, Skylark Live.

Thank you for your love and support. Apprezza la giornata. Cherish the day.

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