Feeling Grateful at Thanksgiving



It's that time of year again when we come together to honor Thanksgiving with lots of turkey and stuffing and all the fixings. Don't forget the soft rolls!

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate our abundance and bounty that we are so very lucky to possess. It's a time to be grateful for the gift of life and the people we share it with. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. 

It's been such a beautiful Autumn. The leaves have been especially colorful as we've had a lot of sunny days. I've been able to capture some beautiful pictures at Brightwaters Lake near my home. There's something new every day to see there, and I'm glad many of you have been enjoying my photos on Facebook and Instagram. They are for you!

The air is getting crisp under clear skies as we shift into the holiday season. It's such a familiar, cozy feeling that can remind us of our childhood. Even the air smells familiar as it fills with the aromas of the season that include pine and pumpkin candles and burning fireplaces. 

Thanksgiving Day is one of our most beloved national holidays. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November. And families everywhere have been celebrating ever since.

What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Lately, I've been thinking about feeling grateful and how this emotion affects us. I have found that it can lift us up and bring us to a place inside ourselves where we can find peace. It can shift our perspective. What better time of year to express feeling grateful and letting others know how we feel. As the energy begins to rise as we prepare to gather once again with family and friends, let's take some time to be grateful for where we're at in our lives. Things can always be worse. We are lucky to be alive.

I've also been thinking about empathy. We've seen a lot of change in recent years, and it doesn't look like it will let up anytime soon. With a Presidential election coming in 2024, there may be some conversations around the dinner table this Thanksgiving that can get contentious. Politics is never an easy conversation, but it seems inevitable that someone will want to talk about it. Don't jump to conclusions about how someone else feels. Let them have their say. Take a breath. Listen. And then respond, or not. Everyone has a point of view that is relevant, so we all have to allow each other to speak. Perhaps it might be best to talk less and listen more. Be empathetic to how others feel.

I've learned not to take the time I have on this earth for granted. Each day is a new beginning and life teaches us lessons every day. If we look around us, there are blessings everywhere. As we begin to make arrangements for Thanksgiving, let's take some time to think of others. Visit a food bank in your neighborhood or go see a friend who may not be doing so well. Embrace the people in your life and tell them how grateful you are for them. Tell them you love them.

Thanksgiving is one sacred day we honor the abundance in our lives, but it's a lifestyle we can adopt all year long. Felice Ringraziamento!

Peace and Love,


At 60 and Beyond, Thanksgiving is a great time to try out those special recipes that have been passed down for generations in your family. My specialty is sweet potato casserole.


One of the best places on Long Island is the Montauk Point Lighthouse. Thanksgiving weekend might just be the perfect time to venture there. This magnificent lighthouse provides unforgettable 360° views over the Block Island Sound, the Atlantic Ocean and points west. 

The Montauk Point Lighthouse, commissioned by President George Washington in 1792, is one of the best-known and most-beloved icons of Long Island. It was the first lighthouse to be built in New York and is the fourth-oldest working lighthouse in the nation. It was named a National Historic Landmark in 2012 and is one of only 12 lighthouses to be so honored.

From the history of the first inhabitants to the diversity of America today, Montauk Point Lighthouse Museum brings visitors face to face with the rich heritage we all share. While you’re there, tour the lighthouse grounds and experience the natural beauty and splendor of Montauk. Discover magnificent views from the top of the tower – an iconic monument that has served a crucial role as a beacon to mariners for over 225 years.

For more information, visit https://montaukhistoricalsociety.org/montauk-point-lighthouse/



What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

Please write your answer in the Reply section below. I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.


<!-- EMBEDDED YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9DDDj_JdMA -->


Thank you, Lord, for what you've done for me, yeah!
Thank you, Lord, for what you're doing now
Thank you, Lord, for ev'ry little thing, yeah, yeah!
Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing

Said I'm in no competition,
But I made my decision
You can keep your opinion
I'm just calling on the wiseman communion

Thank you, Lord, for what you've done for me, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Thank you, Lord, for what you're doing now
Thank you, Lord, for ev'ry little thing, yeah, yeah!
Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing
Sing along, sing along

I don't fear their aggression,
Just to prove my determination
I don't yield to temptation
I have learned my lesson in Revelation

Thank you, Lord, for what you've done for me, yeah-eah-eah!
Thank you, Lord, for what you're doing now
Thank you, Lord, for ev'ry little thing, yeah, yeah!
Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing
Sing along, sing along

Said, I'm in no competition,
But I made my decision
Lord, in my simple way,
Comin', comin', comin', comin'
I love to pray

Thank you, Lord, for what you've done for me, yeah-eah-eah!
Thank you, Lord, for what you're doing now
Thank you, Lord, for ev'ry little thing, yeah, yeah!
Thank you, Lord, for you made me sing


My brand, Skylark Live, consists of a weekly newsletter, Skylark Live Town News, a monthly vlog, 60 and Beyond with Skylark, and monthly in-person chats called The Skylark Sessions. They are all designed to inspire and motivate women to thrive in older age through knowledge and self-awareness at 60 and beyond. Andiamo! Let's go!

Skylark Live Town News - My weekly newsletter features articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, motivation, music, places I've been to, and ideas I want to explore. I represent Bay Shore and towns beyond. There is also a calendar of events. And, I throw in Italian words because I love the language and all things Italian. Bella Italia! As a paying subscriber, you will receive my newsletter each Wednesday morning in your email. That gives you a head's up. You can also advertise your business or event on my newsletter. Just click the link to subscribe: https://skylarklive.town.news

The Skylark Sessions (a work in progress): The Skylark Sessions are in-person chats in a round-table format. There is a new topic for each session. I moderate, but this is an open conversation. I will post the date, time, topic, and location on my social media sites as well as on my Patreon account. There is a $5 cash donation per session. You can RSVP at christineskylark@aol.com.

60 and Beyond with Skylark Vlog - This is my first Monday-of-the month vlog that is inspirational and motivational and is a reflection of what I've written about in my newsletters throughout the month and what we've talked about in my Skylark Sessions. My vlog is recorded and posted on my YouTube Channel, as well as on my Patreon account and my social media sites. Just click my Tube Channel link to subscribe:

<!-- EMBEDDED YOUTUBE URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChqpva_uz2wlksmjhGnPqvg -->

Support me on Patreon - This is where you can support my brand for $5 a month. This enables me to carve out time to write my newslettters, create my vlogs, and coordinate my Skylark Sessions. Just click the link: Skylark Live | 60 and Beyond with Skylark | Patreon

Follow me on Social Media - You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn under my brand, Skylark Live.

Thank you for your love and support. Apprezza la giornata. Cherish the day.

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