A Short Summer Staycation on Long Island



I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to post my usual weekly article this week. The hotel we were staying at had an issue with their Wi-Fi. I know this sounds like a lame excuse, but it's true. Actually, it was a nice break from my smart devices. I admit it, I'm addicted. I'm also addicted to summer. I wait all year for its lustrous beginning. 

We planned a last-minute getaway to east end of Long Island on the North Fork in Greenport this week. Just a short three-day stay. After spending more than 35 years living and working west in New York City, I head east now. There's so much to do out there, and you get the feel of the city folk without the city. I do love my city folk. From sprawling vineyards to side-road produce and flower stands, the North Fork of Long Island is paradise in summertime. 

Just a short trip from where we live, the east end feels like a faraway place. We waited for the weather to warm up and headed out Tuesday morning. There are a few ways to get out here, but this time, we took Sunrise Highway to Exit 64 North to Sound Avenue. What a great way to go. It's scenic, and you don't have to get on the dreaded LIE. I'm so glad we found this easy route.

We arrived at The Drossos Motel; a family-owned business for more than 50 years. The owner, Mini, greeted us with here glistening smile. She's as pleasant and gracious as always. We met her 10 years ago when we first discovered this gem. Her Greek father built this one-story motel that is a throwback to the 50's when families could afford a simple vacation on the east end. They have kept their prices below market-rate, and the miniature golf course and snack bar are still there. Time has marched on, but this motel has found its place in old-school summer on Long Island vacation history.

On Wednesday, we took the SeaJet to Block Island. This high-speed ferry ride takes about 1.5 hours, and it's worth every minute. It's a day trip that goes out of Orient Point. As you head out onto Block Island Bay, the vistas are vast, and the open water is welcoming. On this particular morning, there was a thick misty fog, and you could not see an inch in front of you. As the ferry left the dock, its foghorn blew loud and clear. We had to put our trust in the captain and crew, or this ride could have been terrifying. We arrived at Block Island and were greeted by bike and moped vendors. I had gotten seasick on the ferry over, so I had to get something to eat right away. We found the perfect spot at Ernie's. I had scrambled eggs and toast. That settled by tummy. Then we rented bikes.

Bike riding makes you feel young. This was my first time on Block Island. I expected it to be more remote. I did not expect the volume of cars that dominated the tiny winding streets, and there weren't any bike lanes as we bravely ventured out to explore this beautiful island. Midway into our journey, we found an open grassy knoll with two picnic tables. We stopped and took a break. This was the perfect respite. There were lots of robin red-breasts and a small pond with a walking trail that wrapped around it. There was a family having lunch next to us before they headed home from their vacation. They apologized for being loud. They were having a good time.

We decided to continue our bike ride and wound up at a beautiful dock where there were bars, restaurants, and stores. I had one of the best ice-cream cones of my life. Vanilla on a sugar cone. Wow! We sat for a few hours and just people watched. This is one of my favorite past times. There was a round metal ring hanging from a red string, and you had to swing it and try to get it to land on a hook that was sticking out of a wooden pole that it was attached to. As people passed by, they'd stop and tried their hand at this home-made game. No one was able to do it, though several came close. I gave it a try. No hook. 

We continued to stroll along and check out some of the beautiful sailboats that were docked and met a few locals. Block Island is a friendly place. It's like a big Fire Island. You can tell who's well-known here. Some of the shopkeepers are among them. We were sitting near a woman who just received a delivery of beach bags. As she unwrapped each one, you could hear her say, "These are so cute. I think I need one." I didn't buy one. I have enough beach bags. They were cute though.

The bike-riding was challenging, but we really enjoyed it. I took a fall, but I didn't get hurt. So many people passing by asked if I was okay. I yelled out, "Yes, I'm okay. I know how to fall." Good Lord. I laughed so hard. It was funny. At least I didn't get hurt, but if I did, I would have had a lot of help.

The ride on the ferry back to Orient Point was much better. By 6:00pm, the weather had cleared, and you could see the entire Block Island Bay. We sat on the upper deck. It was breezy, but beautiful. If you decide to do a staycation this summer, I highly recommend heading out east and taking a ferry ride to Block Island. It truly felt like we went on a long adventure, even though it was just three short days. Buona Estate! Happy Summer!

Peace and Love,


At 60 and Beyond, short, local trips can be the perfect summer getaway. Being close to home can still feel like you got away from it all.

For more information, visit www.drossosmotel.com and www.goblockisland.com

I'll be back next week for my regular weekly article. Thank you for your love and support.


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