Navigating Life over 60 and Taking a Pause to Cherish the Day



It can be difficult navigating life's many demands and responsibilities over 60. We don't have as much energy as we used to. Our brains don't seem to age, but our bodies do. So, what do we do when life gets too busy?  We take a pause and cherish the day.

One of the most important lessons I've learned over the years is knowing how to pace myself. My days are long. I'm up at 5:30am each weekday morning and not getting home most nights until 5:30pm. The house is nice and quiet in the early morning hours, and I love hearing the birds chirping. Immediately, my mind starts thinking about the tasks of the day, and most days, there is a lot to do. We all have more things to do now including doctor appointments, errands, and family obligations, so it's important to not get overwhelmed. I find keeping a daily calendar helps. Whether you use your phone or the old-fashioned kind, writing things down can help lessen the stress that thinking about what you have to do can cause. Get it out of your mind. 

With traffic increasing on Long Island, my commute can take up to an hour some days. I usually take a ride around nearby Brightwaters Lakes to capture my picture of the day. Recently, I saw an Egret and a Pheasant. These are rare sightings. I love photography, so catching these natural beauties are special moments for me.  I recently saw a red-winged black bird sitting on a fence along one of the lakes. Just as I slowed down to take its picture, I could see a car approaching in my rear-view mirror. I missed the shot. It is moments like this that I take a pause and reflect on the natural wonders around me. It is a soothing balm that is just beyond our glance when we pause and take some time to look around.

Here are 5 effective ways to be good to yourself over 60:

#1 Take Control

Managing your life through thick and thin, through struggle and joy requires a strong mind and a fierce determination to stay the course. Life isn’t perfect. People can be difficult. Relationships can be strained. Work can be impossible. Health can be precarious. No m atter, what you are in control. You steer your life. There is no escape from individual responsibility, so make the choice to eliminate blame and frustration and get on with the task of solving problems the best way you can.

 #2 Understand Your Triggers

We all have triggers. We react negatively to annoyances and obstacles. It happens every day, many times a day. C’est la vie. It’s the way you navigate your emotions in the situation that makes your life easier or worse. Triggers create negative thoughts and negative thoughts create situational difficulties and personal constraints. Be careful. Hold yourself in check, step away mentally, or even physically, from a situation that involves an emotional reaction. There's the pause. Giving into your triggers can have disastrous results. Assess the situation by taking control of your mind, body, and soul, and decide what is the best response. I'm Italian and Irish. Sometimes, I don't know which part of me is reacting. It can be fierce. You've been warned. LOL. 

#3 Avoid Negative People, Places, and Things

It’s easier, more sensible, and more productive to avoid the people, places, and things that trigger you, drain your energy, and just plain make you feel bad. We all know people like this, and it's inevitable that we will be faced with situations like this over and over. We can learn how to pause and step away. Maya Angelou said, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them...the first time." I live by this now. It was a hard lesson, but I got it. Finally.

#4 Monitor Your Social Media Intake

Social media can be the enemy of your mind. We all need stroking now and then, so we have come to rely on our social media sites to give us that comfort. How many likes, comments, views, and responses you get can consume you if you let it. It’s a form of addiction and an unhealthy need for recognition. You can break the habit. I have found great joy in a random chat with someone in the grocery store or just saying hello to a stranger. These are positive, real-time affirmations that have meaning in the present. The Adesso (the now). And turn off the news. Good Lord!!!!

#5 Use Your Words Wisely

Words matter. Words count for character. The craziest negative things can come out of our mouths, and these words come from an unfiltered mind. Words carry emotions and feelings, either negative or positive. Words can hurt, and words can connote negative attitudes as well as positive affirmations. Keep your words and thoughts positive, and you will prevent a downward spiral of meanness and judging others. Instead, the positive words you use will make you feel uplifted and mindful of your state of being. We all know this by now, don't we?

It's a privilege to reach this age. Remember to be good to yourself, use kind self-talk, and take a pause when you need to in your day. You just might notice something beautiful around you. Each day is brand new, and nature changes daily. It is our natural medicine.

Love and Peace,


At 60 and beyond, taking a pause is necessary to maintain balance and perspective in each day.


Open to the public, the annual plant sale is on now at Farmingdale State College. It runs through May 11 from 9:00am to 5:00pm. There's so much to choose from. I'm pretty sure your favorites are there. Stop by.

Farmingdale State College is at 2350 Broadhollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735


With a fast-paced world and wanting to reach and accomplish goals daily, sometimes we neglect to pause and just enjoy the moment.

-Paul Millsap


What does pausing do for you?




You're ruling the way that I move
And I breathe your air
You only can rescue me
This is my prayer
If you were mine
If you were mine
I wouldn't want to go to heaven
I cherish the day
I won't go astray
I won't be afraid
You won't catch me running
You're ruling the way that I move
You take my air
You show me how deep love can be
You're ruling the way that I move
And I breathe your air
You only can rescue me
This is my prayer
I cherish the day
I won't go astray
I won't be afraid
You won't catch me running
I cherish the day
I won't go astray
I won't be afraid
Won't run away
You show me how deep love can be
You show me how deep love can be
This is my prayer
I cherish the day
I won't go astray
I won't be afraid
Won't run away
Won't shy
I cherish the day
I won't go astray
I cherish the day
I cherish the day
I cherish the day
I cherish the day
I cherish the day

With Gratitude

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I also have an inspirational vlog, 60 and Beyond with Skylark, on the first Monday-of-the-month on my YouTube Channel, Skylark Live. This is designed to inspire people 60 and beyond to continue to thrive through knowledge and self-awareness. Please take a moment to subscribe to my channel and be sure to click the bell to get notified when I upload a new video.

Please feel free to comment about my article below. I'd love to know what's on your mind. 

Thank you for your love and support. Apprezza la giornata. Cherish the day.

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