Pussy Willows


'Tis the season of pussy willow, that darling springtime branch with white velveteen buds that heralds the beginning of springtime. Formally known as Salix Discolor, the pussy willow is native to North America and thrives along the banks of streams and rivers, but it can also grow in your own backyard. The fuzzy greyish white nub is the flower bud; the soft coating of hairs acts as insulation to protect these early bloomers from cold temperatures.

When fully bloomed, the pussy willow blossom fluffs out in a yellow coat-pollen, of course! Such flowers are called catkins, also named for cats, from katteken, the old Dutch word for kitten. Catkins are wind-pollinators; they use the wind to spread their pollen as opposed to the butterflies and bees. Other trees and shrubs, such as birch and beech, also produce catkins.

There are many fables and stories related to the pussy willow. A Native American legend tells of a rabbit that climbed to the top of a willow tree one particularly snowy winter. Tired after his climb, he nestled into the treetop and slept the winter away. In the spring thaw, he woke and as he jumped down, bits of his fuzzy tail clung to the tree.

The pussy willow evokes such telling tales. It's a unique bush, and the cuttings make for a beautiful centerpiece anywhere in your home that last long after their bloom. So go ahead and cut some and put them in your favorite vase. Their fables make for fabulous table talk.

Peace and Love,


I am a columnist with Skylark Live Town News (SLTN) and write short, poetic articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, and daily life in and around Bay Shore. Please subscribe to my free newsletter that will be delivered directly to your email each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To support the SLTN community, you can make a recurring monthly donation as a Friend ($5) or Advocate ($15). You can also advertise your business or event here. It's easy and convenient to do. I am also an advocate for people 60 and beyond. These years can be transformative, but they require focus, determination, and planning. I have a first Monday-of-the-month motivational vlog that is designed to inspire people to thrive as they age through knowledge and self-awareness. Please follow me on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin under my brand, Skylark Live. Thank you for your support.

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