April Showers Bring May Flowers


Once April comes around, it’s time to take out those rain boots, umbrellas, ponchos and of course - vases for your favorite spring flowers. The age-old saying “April Showers Bring May Flowers” still holds true today. But just how did this whimsical saying originate? I will delve a bit into the history of this poem as we prepare for some rainy days ahead. 

The poem, as we know it today, originated all the way back in 1157 in the form of a short poem written by Thomas Tusser. The poem can be found in the April section of a collection of his writings titled, “A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry.” Let’s travel back in time a bit further to the end of the Fourteenth Century, where legendary poet Geoffrey Chaucer had his own say on the month of April in his famous collection of stories titled, “The Canterbury Tales.” While Chaucer speaks of April in relation to March rather than April, it could certainly be said that while Thomas Tusser may be the father of this saying, Geoffrey Chaucer is certainly the grandfather.

As you can see, the rhyme was originally a short poem. However, there is meaning behind the words, as well. "April Showers Bring May Flowers" is a reminder that even the most unpleasant of things, in this case the heavy rains of April, can bring about very enjoyable things indeed - even an abundance of flowers in May.

I'm singin' in the rain!

Peace and Love,


I am a columnist with Skylark Live Town News (SLTN) and write short, poetic articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, and daily life in and around Bay Shore. Please subscribe to my free newsletter that will be delivered directly to your email each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To support the SLTN community, you can make a recurring monthly donation as a Friend ($5) or Advocate ($15). You can also advertise your business or event here. It's easy and convenient to do. I am also an advocate for people 60 and beyond. These years can be transformative, but they require focus, determination, and planning. I have a first Monday-of-the-month motivational vlog that is designed to inspire people to thrive as they age through knowledge and self-awareness. Please follow me on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin, under my brand, Skylark Live. Thank you for your support.

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