

Photo by Skylark, Brightwaters Lake

There was a lone swan on Brightwaters Lake Tuesday morning. The lakes were mostly frozen recently, but on this particular morning, there was enough melted water for this swan to swim in solitude. Solitude is a state or situation in which you are alone usually because you want to be. With our busy lives, solitude can be hard to find. But it's nearby in Bay Shore at Brightwaters Lake and other natural environments. This past weekend, the lakes were filled with skaters, but this morning, the warmer temperatures gave way to floating. 

We can find solitude in so many places. Our home can be a place of solitude and so can a drive by a local lake, a stroll in the park, a drive to the beach, or a walk alone. One of my favorite times in solitude is sitting on my stoop and looking out at the vast sky. When we spend time in solitude, we are freed of the stresses of the day or even the moment. When you remove as many distractions and interruptions as you can from your surroundings, you are better able to concentrate on things you may want to get done at another time. Solitude gives you an opportunity to discover yourself and find your own voice. Some other benefits of solitude are coming up with new ideas. When you have the space to think without any external input, you’ll be better able to work through difficult problems and come up with more creative and meaningful ways of dealing with them. This may also be why many writers and other famous figures have been prolific during periods of solitude. You can also develop a better understanding of yourself. Spending time alone with your thoughts gives you the opportunity for valuable self-reflection. As you get to know yourself better, you’ll become better at regulating your emotions. Another benefit of solitude is it supports strong intimate relationships with others. Although this seems paradoxical, having time alone makes you more appreciative of the time you spend with your family, friends, and loved ones. If you live with someone, you know how valuable this can be.

The next time you find yourself in a situation that feels toxic or stressful, take a step back and spend some time in solitude. It may be some of the best time you spend with yourself.

Peace and Love,


I am a columnist and write short, poetic articles about human interest, nature, general observations, inspiration, and daily life around Bay Shore for Skylark Live Town News. Be sure to subscribe to my free SLTN newsletter that will be delivered directly to your email. If you wish, you can make a one-time donation in the amount you desire or a recurring monthly donation as a Friend ($5) or Advocate ($15) to help support Skylark Live Town News. You can also advertise your business or event on SLTN as well. It's easy and convenient to do. Take a look around my feed.

I am also an advocate for people 60 and beyond under my brand, Skylark Live, and have a first Monday-of-the-month vlog, "60 and Beyond with Skylark", that is motivational to inspire people to thrive as they age through knowledge and self-awareness. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin. Thank you for your support. Peace and Love to you always.

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