Reimagining the Workforce and Your Role in It


The jobs report came out today, Friday, November 5, 2021, and it appears things are looking up a bit. A sharp decline in COVID-19 cases is creating more confidence among US workers, and many are returning to the office. The percentage of workers working from home because of COVID-19 dropped to 11.6%, down from its peak of 23.7% in December 2020, according to the latest data from the Labor Department. Workers’ return to the office was part of an overall strong labor market report that showed the US added 531,000 jobs in October 2021, beating economists’ forecasts of 450,000. 

Most economists believe the path of the pandemic will determine the path of the US recovery. Big job gains in the restaurant industry, business services, and manufacturing suggest business is revving up. But October’s figures also point to snags in the recovery, including the 4.2 million workers who remain unemployed.

Despite the solid job gains, the percentage of people employed or looking for work remained flat at 61%. There is a .1% uptick in people between 25 and 54, but a record number of retirements may be weighing down on the overall rate. Women, too, are yet to return to work at the same rate as before the pandemic, with their unemployment rate creeping up slightly from 4.2% to 4.4% in September 2021. It still remains unclear as to why this is, but it could be due to lack of childcare.

So, what if you're neither employee or employer? You may be transitioning to full-time parenting or grand-parenting, you may have recently retired, or you could just be taking an extended sabbatical. Whatever the case may be, there's a lot more time in your life that doesn't revolve around your profession, so how are you going to spend it?

The past 20 months have been a life-changer for many of us. This time in our history has forced people to look at their lives and reimagine what work means to them or what not working means for their future. While enjoying some well-deserved free time, it's important to stay active. Extended downtime can be a slippery slope that leads to feeling distant from the things you love to do and the people you love to share those things with. Make time for socializing, hobbies, getting outdoors for a walk in nature, and learning new skills. Maybe you'll start writing that book you always dreamed of or start your own business that you've been afraid to begin. 

Reimagining the workforce can offer new and unique opportunities to people who want more control over their lives, and there are plenty of ways to branch out on your own. Not everyone will return to work in the old sense of the word, but rather return to themselves and rethink what they want their life to look like. We have more freedom to make different choices for ourselves in our ever-changing world that is filled with a multitude of possibilities. What is your role in it? Maybe it's time to use your imagination. You might just be surprised what you can reimagine. 

I advocate for people 60 and beyond and write articles that I feel may be of interest to you. I also have a first-Monday-of-month vlog called 60 and Beyond with Skylark that addresses many issues and topics that I feel are relevant to this age group. My brand is designed to motivate and inspire people 60 and beyond to go from striving to thriving in older age by setting goals and aging gracefully through knowledge and self-awareness. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin; all under my brand, Skylark Live. You can also subscribe to my newsletter that is delivered directly to your email, and please consider making a monthly donation as a Friend or Advocate to help support Skylark Live Town News. Thank you.

Love and Peace,


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